Friday, August 14, 2009

Michael Bird on the Nature of Christian Scholarship

Visit for some great thoughts from Bird on what it means for a Christian to serve in the world of academia.

(And while you're thinking of Bird, check out his centrist [and very beneficial] volume on the new perspective on Paul, The Saving Righteousness of God.)

1 comment:

  1. So sorry, I was looking for scholarships for christians (pretty good site on christian scholarships in case anyone does same as me) when I stumbled across your blog. I'd like to see more from you if you have the time to add more content to your blog. You seem to be qualified to discuss your topics. My sermon over the weekend discussed the idea of daily rependance of your sins which was never heard by me before which really struck a cord and put everthing in perspective. I need daily rependance as well as us all. Everyday brings a new day to do something right or not so right and this is where we all need daily cleansing. It's not something we can reach the finish line on earth - but when we die it's finished...therefore 'daily rependance'. Hope this helps someone else like it has helped me. Sometimes looking things at from a different angle is very helpful for some.
